A hundred years from now, depending on who wins the green-lobby-health-security-investment war, people may look back at the Great Pandemic of 2019/20 and share third-hand stories and video footage of how scientists, doctors and politicians fought bravely under immense pressure in near impossible conditions and time constraints, to confront and ultimately contain an invisible, silent enemy which threatened to kill millions worldwide and 500,000 in the UK alone.
There will be no shortage of data, opinion or peer-reviewed articles questioning the multiple aspects of how the Great Pandemic of 2019/20 was handled regarding lockdowns, treatments and preparedness. But viewed through the distant prism of 2123, it will be like today’s scientists attempting to prove the Spanish flu was neither Spanish, nor a flu, but may have been caused by external influences known to affect the human condition for centuries.
So why waste time studying empirical data to see if the 'vaccines' worked, if 'Covid' was more akin to flu or if there was a lab leak when it has yet to be shown beyond a reasonable doubt that transmissible airborne viruses or even pandemics, as defined by a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time, exist?
If the cold case of prior pandemics landed on the desk of a detective such as Kojak, he’d first review all the evidence collected at the time, instruct forensic teams to look at autopsy and toxicology reports and if necessary, exhume bodies. He’d look at aerial photography, cell tower data, paramedic reports and profiling analysis. He’d bring in experts (alive or dead, it’s a tough case spanning centuries) that could shed light on alternative theories as to what caused such apparent sickness that spread so rapidly. He'd identify any suppressed or missing evidence. Was it missing for a reason? Was there a conflict of interest? Were those who gained compromised, bribed, threatened or were they instigators of the events? What Kojak would not do is shrug and say ‘It’s a pandemic baby’. Detectives collect evidence, look for patterns, modus operandi and motive in order to get a case to trial. They ask questions. They investigate.
If a pathogen is spread from person to person, there must be a patient zero who then passes their illness onto ten other people and so on. But how did patient zero become ill? Not from another person otherwise they wouldn’t be patient zero. Patient zero could have become ill from stress, or through exposure to multiple sources of toxins, whether in the air, water or food. Likewise, so could everybody else become ill from those same toxins. The person-to-person contagion theory has survived because it doesn’t seem counter-intuitive to surmise that people getting sick or showing symptoms of an apparent illness in the same geographical location, caught it from each other. But they are also drinking from the same water supply, breathing the same air, predominantly using the same food sources and are exposed to the same geographical toxins of industry and common geographical stressors.
Looking at the most recent pandemic, a detective might wonder why so many apparent deaths from a pathogen were considered contagious or infectious when there were no separate International Classification of Diseases 10th edition (ICD-10) mortality codes for people developing 'Covid symptoms' following 'vaccination' (est. 10.4%), or developing 'Covid' while in hospital (an estimated 25-40%, 27% of whom died within 28 days) or in a care home – all controlled environments where 'Covid' could have been administered (unwittingly or otherwise) via water, food, injection or a swab and where the death could or should have been attributed to other factors.
Then there are the changing parameters of manipulative measurement. During the alleged pandemic, the World Health Organisation added new Covid codes in 2021 to the ICD-10. These included U09.9 (post-Covid condition where the acute Covid had ended before the condition immediately causing death occurred), U10.9 (Multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with Covid-19) and U08.9 used to record an earlier episode of COVID-19, to the existing codes U07.1 (‘virus identified’) and U07.2 (‘virus not identified’ estimated to account for 8.4% of 'cases').
Case data was also unreliable due to the low threshold definition and the repurposed RT-PCR test whose measurement of the assumed existence of Covid could be manipulated by the value of the Cycle Threshold (CT). Worse still, the government had no knowledge of the CT levels used at any given time, as they outsourced the PCR tests to eighty companies, many of which didn’t provide the changing value of CT levels with the RT-PCR results. President of Tanzania John Magufuli submitted several 'Covid' samples to the World Health Organisation for RT-PCR testing, each given a fake human name to hide its true origin. Car oil tested negative for Covid, jackfruit was inconclusive, a bird and a goat tested positive as did a pawpaw.
Re-examining older cold case files such as the Russian Flu of 1889, a good detective would note that the alleged pandemic, which killed a million people, had mainly an urban impact, was borne by the European railroads and that contagion in cattle was due to the concerted expansion of the live cattle trade facilitated by the railways. Why settle so readily on a pandemic of contagion when there were alternate parallel factors that might affect the human condition such as the electrification of the globe – predominantly via towns and railroads?
Arthur Firstenberg's The Hidden Rainbow trawls forensically through decades of electrification of the planet and the impact of such electrification on the human condition. The so-called Russian flu of 1889 coincided with the mass rollout of electric railways and electric lighting. The Spanish flu of 1918 coincided with the implementation of radio waves globally; the Asian Flu of 1957 with the first low orbit satellite which sent radio signals back to earth, the Hong Kong flu of 1968 with radiation radar satellites fired up into the Van Allen Radiation Belt and Covid 2019 with the rollout of 5G. The Diamond Princess, a ship whose passengers were allegedly hit by 'Covid-19' early on, was not only fitted out with 5G, it was docked at Yokohama where FamilyMart Co and the Panasonic Corporation had joined forces in April 2019 to launch ‘the next generation of convenience store’ utilizing Internet of Things Technology. Panasonic Connect Co Ltd was also working on the world's first Beyond 5G technologies for automated driving which launched in Yokohama in 2022.
On November 11 2019, Elon Musk's Starlink company launched the first 60 low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites to provide high-speed internet to every corner of the Earth2. Six days later, the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Wuhan, China.
Many of the cold case pandemics also coincided with extremes in sunspot activity including 1836/37, 1917/18 (Spanish flu) and 1957 (Asian flu). Geomagnetic and solar activity, both known to affect behaviour, remained high throughout 1968 (Hong Kong Flu). The word influenza derives from ‘influenced by the sun’.
Then there are psychological stressors such as wars, poverty and the threat of an attack, be it a pandemic or otherwise, all of which can cause physical ailments. Somatization is the expression of psychological or emotional factors as physical symptoms. Stress can cause headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue and occasionally cause a person to enter a catatonic state.
While there was electrification of the railways in 1980/81 at the start of the AIDS pandemic the consensus was that AIDS was the result of a single green monkey. Newspapers of the time depicted emaciated young men covered in cancerous lesions and Africans dying in their thousands, while a TV commercial had the word AIDS being hammered into a gravestone as a doom-laden voice warned: ‘Don’t die of ignorance’. Initially labelled GRID or Gay Related Immune Deficiency, the ‘gay plague’ soon became known as AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome when it became clear that the greater the number who believed they could be infected, the larger the investment in looking for a cure.
‘The CDC was looking for something like that when it came along’ says Kary Mullis in the documentary House of Numbers. ‘They were hoping there was going to be a new plague because Polio was over, the CDCs budget was getting decreased…There were memos around the CDC saying we need to find a new plague…we need to find something that will scare the American people, so everyone will give us more money’.
A detective would begin to see a pattern. As with AIDS, the Covid era newspapers depicted patients struggling to breathe and Indians dying in their thousands. A TV commercial showed masked doctors, nurses and patients staring plaintively into the lens as a doom-laden voice pleads ‘Look them in the eye and tell them you’re doing all you can’. The UK health secretary at the time texted: ‘We frighten the pants of everyone’.
Were the cancerous lesions down to AIDS or the very rare Kaposi Sarcoma also associated with the overuse of poppers predominantly used by the gay community? Were the photographs of Africans dying of AIDS, generic photographs of the thousands of Africans who die each year from starvation, malaria and neonatal conditions, just as the burning funeral pyres in 'Covid'-ridden India could have been generic pictures of cremations in a country with a daily fatality rate of 26,000?
What was incontestable, was that each pandemic led to the development of new drugs and vaccines, that the drugs and vaccines were part-funded by the taxpayer, that drugs and vaccines make millions not for the taxpayer but for their suppliers and distributors and that there was no incontrovertible proof that such treatments did more good than harm.
AZT, a repurposed cancer drug previously discarded in the fight against AIDS due to its extreme toxicity, was hurriedly cleared by the FDA who were under the misconception it would be used only when there was no other option for a patient for whom death from AIDS was imminent. But it was used widely, thanks to the influence of one Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), who pushed to expand AZT’s prescription rates despite the lack of long-term data and an invalidated trial, just as he would do thirty years later with Covid-19 treatment protocols.
Did people die from AIDS or AZT? Did people die from 'Covid', or were they killed by loneliness, despair, oxidative stress, electro-smog or treatments such as Remdesivir, Midazolam and mRNA injections? And if Covid-19 was so infectious, why did only 170 out of 37,000 exposed to it during the Pfizer trails develop any symptoms?
AZT is still the most expensive drug ever marketed, making $230M annually for Burroughs Wellcome now part of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) whose group sales increased to £34 billion in 2021. HIV is still big business. GSK recently received three regulatory approvals for new drugs, including the first-ever long-acting injectable PrEP treatment for HIV, despite there being - according to Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis - no verified citation proving a relationship between HIV and AIDS.
Like AZT, the 'Covid-19' injections also made a huge profit for their creators and drug companies will continue to benefit from treatments developed, allegedly to stem the tide of myocarditis, immune deficiency and cancer.
The clear transfer of wealth was not the only motive. Symptoms attributed to Covid-19, including a change in pulse rate, changes in the sensations of taste, light and sound, an increase in body temperature, perspiration, heart palpitations, fever, shortness of breath, coughing, asthma attacks, tinnitus and a metallic taste in the mouth, were identical to the symptoms experienced following exposure to electricity. Exposure to radiation, Wi-Fi and EMF has been shown to cause oxidative damage leading to chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, memory loss, lack of concentration, joint pain & inflammation, headaches & sensitivity to noise, premature ageing and a vulnerability to infections. Oxidative damage affects fish in the lakes and birds in the sky, effects currently being attributed to climate change. RFR plays havoc on the brain’s dopamine levels, a key neuro-transmitter, which correlates with neurological disorders such as depression, Alzheimers, MS, Huntingdon and Parkinson disease. The World Health Organisation compiled a report on health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields, concluding inconclusively that while no detrimental effects to health had been discovered, ‘some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research’. Conversely, a report by Microwave Warfare expert Barry Trower who has worked for both the Royal Navy and the government, warned that Wi-Fi & EMFs will have such a devastating cumulative effect on humans, that in three generations only one in eight children will be born healthy.
A detective pouring over such reports might understandably consider the possibility that pandemics were good camouflage for the damage caused by electrification, radiation and increased industrialisation.
Had the detective been an industrialist in the 1800s-1900s pumping toxins into the air and water from the development of industries such as oil, fertilizers and plastic, activities which caused people to appear ill as their bodies tried to expel the toxins, would he want to be sued? Of course not. Would he want to stop building his empire? Not a chance. He’d want to expand it, with railroads, satellites and yet undiscovered technologies.
Then, manna from Heaven, along comes a trio of brilliant scientists, Louis Pasteur, Antoine Beauchamp and Edward Jenner. Beauchamp confirms people are getting ill from various industrial toxins. This doesn’t please the industrialist who opts for a second opinion. Pasteur reassures him people are getting ill from germs, bacteria and viruses which can be seen under a microscope. Pasteur doesn’t stop to consider the bacteria might be the little soldiers coming in to defend the body; he has a cure. Brilliant. Not only does the relieved industrialist avoid being sued (for the most part), but he can also double down on the newly introduced doctrine that viruses can pass from person to person and make money from the ‘cure’ while continuing to expand the industry that made the people sick in the first place. Once Jenner has shown how to make a person even more ill by pouring cow pus into the arm of a willing individual (‘vacca’ hence vaccine) the vaccine industry is born, coining it for speculators like Bill Gates who turned a 10 billion-dollar multi-vaccine investment into 200 billion-dollars.
The single source theory, be it labs, rats, bats, pangolins or the green monkey, keeps alive the idea of contagion and the need for testing kits, protective clothing and 'vaccine' development. Among the largest profiteers from Covid Inc., were Google (who also invested in the AstraZeneca vaccine), Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, the makers of personal protective equipment, the pharmaceutical companies, the private bankers and lawyers. Those who lost out financially were the small businesses whose doors remain closed, long after the imposition of damaging lockdowns. Just another transfer of wealth. Another global fraud.
Kojak understands fraud and why people kill, just not on such an industrial scale. Why would anyone wish to gain-of-function a pathogen to make it more toxic and more transmissible? Maybe because, if the public ever realises there is a possibility that contagious pathogens are at best an exaggeration or at worse a fraud, the pharmaceutical industry better have a contagious virus at the ready to prove otherwise. Not that they need one. They have The Press for that.
In the final paragraph of his closing report Kojak writes: In my view, the Lab Leak-Single Source Theory will continue to circulate, buying time for the bean-counters to weigh up comparative losses between a) the public realising there is no such thing as a airborne virus, that they’ve been tricked, poisoned and fleeced; and b) the gain-of-function virus, made more deadly and more transmissible by speculators such as the AIDS guy Fauci, escaped the lab and caused the death of millions. I wager they’ll plump for the latter. There is after all a plethora of useful idiots primed to be thrown under the bus and a handful of terrified speculators fearful of being castrated publicly by an angry mob.
There will be another pandemic. Not only have Bill Gates and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told us so, Porton Down is currently rushing out more generic vaccines at warp speed for an unclassified Disease X which the BBC has dual-narrativized as Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever which can be spread by climate change.
Science is not something to be followed. It is an infinitely recalibrating journey of discovery through a forest of often unreliable signposts based on the limits of information available at any one time. The world can’t afford another pandemic psychologically or financially (consider the potential size of the bill when the 2.25M who currently believe they're suffering from 'long-Covid' cotton on it could be jab-related and apply for the paltry £120,000). What better way to prevent the next 'pandemic' then, by debating in open court (Common Law or otherwise) whether it can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that pandemics even exist. Dying of ignorance is not the only option.