Reality is that which when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away – Phillip K Dick
For hundreds of years the barons, landed gentry and royals of England sought to increase their wealth and power by hooking up to the most powerful corporate businesses and leaders of industry with the aim of worldwide dominance. Thanks to their endeavours, Planet Inc. is now a sprawling network of multiple global companies, sucking everything into its path like a black hole of commerce into which the voters-who-still-believe-in-democracy throw their hard-earned cash via taxes and consumerism. While we are diverted by the unseemly Punch & Judy spectacle of government, a man hidden behind a facade with his hands controlling both Punch & Judy, signals to an accomplice, who then weaves his way through the mesmerised crowd and steals their wallets.
So simple was this sleight of hand, it needed to be cloistered across the years with a mille-feuille of obfuscation. Once created, these layers were excreted via a labyrinth of organisations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tavistock Institute, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, The Club of Rome and United Nations whose influence continues to spread like infected blood throughout the veins of society. Those with the temerity to cry ‘Fake!’ were swiftly dispatched; ruined, imprisoned, disappeared, or assassinated. Nothing and no-one could be permitted to interfere with the sleight of hand which has served the autocrats’ single aim throughout the centuries: Gains.
The mille-feuille of obfuscation not only hid the original sleight of hand but offered an illusion of free will: Exxon Mobil or Chevron, Pfizer or J&J, Mastercard or VISA, Coca-Cola or Pepsi, Labour or Conservative, Republican or Democrat, Marxism or Fascism. Makes no odds. Punch and Judy are in it together and all revenues from the show end up in the same money pot at the bottom of the black hole. Once collected, it is siphoned off to a handful of operators who make up barely 0.00000115% of the human population.
Underpinned by statutes and marketed by an army of plausible lobbyists, who have successfully convinced the multitude they are incapable of running their own lives, the Punch & Judy Road Show continues to roll on, diversifying to fit the times.
Malthus’ model, which failed to factor in the arrival of potatoes and claimed the world could not survive beyond three billion inhabitants, was replaced by The Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, also big on depopulation, while Neil Ferguson’s equally hysterical model managed to ignore prior immunity, that airborne viruses may not even exist and his own multiple failings. These models have now been superseded by The Net Zero Fraud which aims to pilfer $240 trillion towards ‘Green Security’ from the taxpayer. The UK government’s 'Levelling Up the United Kingdom' lays bare the ever-present sleight-of-hand: £150M Community Ownership Fund to help locals buy pubs and sports fields against £26BN of ‘public capital investment’ towards Net Zero and the Green Industrial Revolution.
Following on from the East India Company initiative, drugs and guns have been legalized under the umbrellas of the pharmaceutical industry and endless conflicts, while seafarers’ skulduggery has been replaced by the slash and burn fiscal policies of the IMF, World Bank, BIS and the Central Banking system. In short, the colonizers are still at it.
But the Punch & Judy Covid chapter may prove to be the colonizers undoing. By unleashing a multi-trillion-dollar fiscal hole which they aimed to obfuscate by employing the unholy trinity of pandemic lockdown, climate chicanery and war, our adversaries have not only given us a glimpse of their methods, but also, of our Cage. A cage in whose construction we have been complicit and whose rules we follow through blind faith, fear and indifference. Thankfully, like the mythical Egregore, a non-physical entity arising from the collective thoughts of a group, the cage exists no more than the counterfeiting digital sorcery of QE. The autocrats’ system is one of their own making. It is not a system we need in order to survive. Quite the opposite. We need merely to turn away from it.
We have little to fear from our unworthy adversaries. Aside from the numbers (seven plus billion of us, a handful of them) the NWO handbook is as nonsensical as it is self-deluding. Not enough electricity to keep the lights on, yet plenty enough to service the digital cloud, crypto, AI, electric cars and superconducting quantum computers which need to be maintained at close to absolute zero. And while it is certainly possible one could be happy and own nothing, that’s not the same as someone taking it from us, in which case we’d be mad as hell with nothing to lose.
The only way out of this fiscal servitude, is to remove ourselves from their system altogether which - according to The Art of War - can be done without a fight. We need only to baulk their plans: They aim to centralize; we decentralize. They aim to divide; we unite. They aim to obfuscate; we retain focus. They want our money; we refuse to comply.
The timing couldn’t be more opportune. At no time in history has such a plethora of alternatives to boom-and-bust presented itself. Once adopted by the many, the multiple ways to exchange commodities can phase out fractional reserve banking, volatile centralized currency, QE and hyperinflation. The aim is self-decentralization using multiple parachute trading opportunities.
Local currencies such as the Lewes Pound and Brixton crypto encourage local trade, revitalize communities and reduce food miles. While many are currently tied to fiat, some like the long established Berkshares in the US, are looking to peg themselves to local assets such as a basket of local goods or skills. Local currencies require locals to set up the system of exchange, but advice is on hand from WeRe Bank set up by Peter of England in 2015, who also offers promissory notes. Local currencies sidestep inflation as their issuance is not controlled by a central or commercial bank and the local monetary system is only used for the trading of goods and micro-loans for productivity-based start-ups.
ReFi offers credit backed by goods, services and hours. Instead of raising money to finance an office rental for example, you register with a decentralized network to find someone with an empty office. If you have nothing they want, someone else will and the flow of exchange is then facilitated by tokens. These five-thousand-year-old circular supply chains cut out both interest and collateralized credit, helping start-ups to avoid giving away a percentage of their company in the form of shares or taking on debt prior to trading.
Credit unions, community and charity banks were once as plentiful in the UK as they are in Germany, where currently over 80% of all banks are not-for-profit community banks. There are currently over 300 credit unions in the UK which are run for and by local communities and offer eye-watering interest on loans and are authorised by the FCA and PRA.
The Hampshire Community Bank set up by Richard Werner in 2014 offers loans to local SMEs and has secured funding from local businesses and councils including a £10M lending facility from Portsmouth City Council. Another community bank is David Fishwick’s Bank On Dave which has been operating since 2011. Both banks are yet to secure the FCA/PRA banking licence required to facilitate deposits, though according to Werner, neither deposits nor loans have any legal status.
Crypto banks protect assets via cold storage, fully decentralized blockchain prevents bad actors getting control of the network as in the FTX-style meltdown; and payment networks offer the same privacy as cash in peer-to-peer exchanges without being exposed to the stealth tax of QE. According to a recent PYMNTS survey, forty-six percent of US merchants (eighty-five percent in the case of businesses with more than $1 billion in annual online sales) already accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.
Physical silver and gold is also an option, but if you’d prefer not to wander the streets with your precious metals, gold-pegged card payment systems such as Tally and Glint provide another route for day-to-day trade as does gold-backed crypto gold coin. While these aren’t decentralized payment systems, the idea is to decentralize the self, using multiple platforms, so that when the government imposes its non-blockchain CBDCs we can continue to function fiscally without digital ID, Universal Credit or Black Money.
LaRouche believed that economics wasn’t just about money but was a commitment to the general welfare and common good of the people. We are very far from that. The boom-and-bust banking system or ‘fleecing the flock’ as the bankers refer to it, was never meant to work for the people. The aim has always been to liberate the proletariat from their earnings, no matter how meagre.
Adopting multiple alternative ways to trade will ensure that by the time governments bring in CBDCs, not only will we have choices, but these parachute options will already be up and running. Only by refusing to feed the beast via consumerism (Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Google etc) and taxes will we finally break free from our crippling financial chains.
As for our unworthy adversaries, atrophy will do the rest.
Suzie Halewood