Sarah Gilbert co-founder of Vaccitech who became a millionaire producing 'vaccines' which killed people. What a dame.
If Public Health England or the UK Health Security Agency measured deaths by Covid ‘vaccine’ in the same way they did deaths ‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a Covid-positive test, the figures would be alarming.
According to the Office for National Statistics, deaths within 21 days of a Covid ‘vaccine’ in England between January 2 and July 2, 2021 totalled 25,735. This figure does not include 4,570 who died in England within 21 days of a Covid ‘vaccine’ but who also had a Covid mention, even though some would have died from vaccine related injuries and others from breakthrough Covid – for which the ONS should really have an additional code.
Scaling up (very approximately in line with PHE’s own dubious analysis of already questionable data) this would equate to 68,627 deaths ‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a Covid vaccination between December 2020 and December 2021 (plus a possible 12,187 who died within 28 days of a Covid ‘vaccine’, but who had a Covid mention and therefore were added to the inflated Covid figures).
Can one therefore conclude beyond any reasonable doubt that the 68,627 people who died in England ‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a Covid ‘vaccine’ died as a direct result of the Covid jab and nothing else?
Of course not. But those are the (now unravelling) parameters by which Covid deaths are measured ‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a Covid-positive test.
One difference is that while the ‘vaccinated’ have actually been jabbed, those testing positive for Covid might not have had it at all. Neither the LTF nor PCR with its variable cycle thresholds were ever 100 per cent accurate; the ‘within 28 days’ measure is greater than the isolation period for the Covid positive (a positive test on Day 1 is no guarantee of a positive test on Day 5, let alone Day 28 or Day 60); 6 per cent of Covid deaths were estimated not tested and 22.8 per cent didn’t have Covid as an underlying cause. Another difference is that the majority who died from/with Covid died within a month, whereas the ‘vaccines’ could go on killing for years to come.
Public Health Scotland provides more easily comparable data, where ‘deaths from any cause in people aged 16 and over that occurred within 28 days of receipt of a dose 1 or dose 2 Covid-19 vaccine in Scotland from December 8, 2020 to November 26, 2021’ stands at 5,958 (1,945 for Pfizer, 3,998 for Astra/Zeneca and 15 for Moderna). Can all 5,958 deaths within 28 days of a Covid-19 vaccine in Scotland between December 2020 and November 2021 – which equates to more than 10 per cent of total annual deaths in Scotland (56,820 on average per year across 2013-2019) – be attributed solely to the jab?
Of course not. But they can when it comes to Covid, even if those who qualified for a Covid mention on the death certificate died in a car accident.
Yet the ‘expert’ consensus, from vaccine ministers to professors, is that vaccines save lives.
The newly knighted Sir Andrew Pollard, who as director of the Jenner Vaccine Foundation had a hand in the development of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine (slight conflict of interest considering his previous and current involvement with both the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and Sage), reckons that without the vaccine rollout, deaths from Covid could have been as high as 300,000, meaning the vaccines could have saved as many as 150,000 lives. (iNews reports this as a possible 300,000 lives saved from the same Andrew Marr interview.) But relying on data from Neil ‘Apocalypse’ Ferguson is no measure of lives saved. So to avoid factoring in Ferguson’s failure rate as a modeller, let’s go with the 112,600 estimated lives saved as declared by Minister for Vaccines and Public Health Maggie Throup.
How did Ms Throup come to that figure? She was given a piece of paper. There is simply no way to conclude that Covid vaccines save lives without factoring in multiple variables such as prior immunity, vaccine injury, the likelihood of developing Covid once exposed to SARS-CoV-2 (in the original Pfizer trial, from the 36,621 healthy 16-to-55-year-olds exposed to Covid, only 170 contracted it), the likelihood of even coming into contact with SARS-CoV-2, the long-term side effects of the Covid vaccines (some of which may be fatal), breakthrough Covid (which can also lead to death), the increased likelihood of contracting Covid once vaccinated, the compromising of the immune system and additional fatalities of those unable to access NHS treatment courtesy of the Covid Circus Inc.
Sidestepping the added complication that by week 20 the Covid vaccines have zero efficacy (timing is everything) and that the number of vaccinations in England is greater than the population by nearly 7million (NHS includes all vaccinations administered in England – including those administered as part of clinical trials – even if individuals are resident outside England, do not have an NHS number or are no longer alive), NHS England currently records 43,911,121 vaccinated with a first dose, 40,419,566 with a second dose and 30,888,097 boosted.
Let’s start with the 112,600 ‘saved’ lives. According to various reports, from the BMJ to the BBC, samples taken years before the pandemic started revealed T-cells which were specifically tailored to detect proteins on the surface of Covid-19. The T-cells identify and kill invading pathogens or infected cells, can offer immunity for life and can be found in 40-60 per cent of the population. As roughly half the population already had immunity let’s call it 56,300 lives ‘saved’.
Using MHRA Yellow Card showing 1,916 deaths, the risk of death following vaccination is approximately 1 in 50,000. However, if vaccine deaths are measured in the same way as Covid deaths (‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a vaccine), the chance of dying within 28 days of a ‘vaccine’ becomes 1 in 1,222, which equates to 81,689 deaths ‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a vaccine for the whole of the UK. That’s considerably more than the lives saved by the vaccines even before you begin to calculate the lives lost due to lockdown, delayed operations and the refusal of the medical establishment to grant lifesaving public access to the multitude of ‘at-home’ treatments available months before the vaccine rollout.
Can we really say that the 81,689 who died ‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a vaccine died as a result of the vaccine? No more than we can say 151,666 who died ‘for any reason’ within 28 days of a Covid positive test died as a result of Covid.
Thankfully, while Keir Starmer makes a (socially distanced) meal of Partygate, the Covid-19 vaccinations are now under scrutiny by the Metropolitan Police Hammersmith (crime number: 6029679/21) and elsewhere, in what could turn out to be the world’s largest criminal investigation.
Charges include conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, gross negligence manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, corruption, fraud and blackmail, false imprisonment and crimes against humanity. Meanwhile a 46-page document has been filed at the International Criminal Court (by Mike Yeadon, Hannah Rose and others) citing numerous violations of both the Nuremberg Code and Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute.
Had Johnson stuck with his ‘Covid only kills 80-year-olds’ mantra, the picture could have been quite different. He would certainly have been blamed for all Covid deaths as opposed to being urged to resign over a piece of cake, but history would have been kinder.
To validate their existence, governments must be seen to be doing something – anything – otherwise the electorate might start to ask awkward questions, such as ‘do we need them?’ The answer is ‘no, we don’t’. But only when we’re prepared to take full responsibility for all aspects of our own lives.